Let's Create Your Custom Design!
When it comes to creating your piece, we work with you at your pace. Some customers only need to exchange a few messages with us and we can begin making their custom design within a few days. Others prefer to design and communicate with us over many weeks, or even months.
Our team helps you figure out the details, weigh all the options, and guide you through each step of creating a piece of custom jewelry. From our design consultants and artists, to our staff gemologists and our experienced jewelers, your project is handled with the utmost precision, care, and knowledge. Production time, depending on our schedule, can take approximately 2-4 weeks.
Why Custom Design?
Studies show 58% of women prefer to receive jewelry as a gift. It is the perfect gift choice for a special occasion, social event, or any other occasion! However, not all jewelry is created with the same quality.
If you are going to spend money on expensive jewelry, you want to get the highest-quality pieces. One way you can do this is by purchasing or creating a custom designed piece for your loved one.

Custom Engagement & Wedding Rings
We specialize in design and re-design. We begin the process with an interview and continue the conversation with the client as the design is developed. We encourage comments and suggestions during the creative process. It’s our privilege to give the customer the custom design they desire. Our expert craftsmen use only the highest quality materials to provide you with your perfect ring.
Learn More about creating a custom engagement ring. We have some tips, examples of previous customer rings we’ve desgined, and ways to make your custom design affordable.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. Also, feel free to Contact Us anytime to set up an appointment.
If you are interested in creating a custom piece of jewelry, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.